Maasch & Kirsch Industrieservice GmbH & Co. KG
Our sister company Maasch & Kirsch Industrial Service was founded in 2020 and is located at Burghausen and Polling sites in the chemical triangle of Bavaria, which includes parts of the districts of Altötting, Mühldorf and Traunstein. Among the three main areas of performance of the comprehensively certified company includes plant construction, pipeline construction as well as the factory production of components for the chemical and the food industry.
In all areas, the competent team takes over the entire Project management from a single source. Planning, construction, manufacturing, on-site assembly – everything including commissioning and documentation: Maasch & Kirsch Industrial Service complets that for you.
Industrial plant construction
In plant construction, the company is, on the one hand, dependent on the evelopment and production of refrigeration equipment specialized for industry, e.g. for storage cooling houses, dairies, food producers etc. On the other hand, process plants in industrial plant construction are the focus. Complete systems for the chemical-metallurgical industry (e.g. aluminium production) that provides a professional product transport system for compliance with all industry-specific requirements.
Factory prefabrication
Maasch & Kirsch Industrial Service manufactures units and assemblies in the factory
prefabrication made of stainless steel for the chemical and food industries. These include e.g. breweries, blending modules, valve nodes, coupling panels, pasteurising systems, dosing systems, double pipe heat exchangers and many more.
prefabrication made of stainless steel for the chemical and food industries. These include e.g. breweries, blending modules, valve nodes, coupling panels, pasteurising systems, dosing systems, double pipe heat exchangers and many more.
Industrial pipeline construction
Another core competence lies in pipeline prefabrication in all common sizes. Carbon steel, stainless steel and special materials. For this purpose, Maasch & Kirsch Industrial Service takes over gladly the delivery as well as the complete or partial assembly at the customer‘s side. The company is also responsible for energy piping (e.g. steam, water, gas, etc.), the piping of refrigeration systems (ammonia, glycol, ice water), the installation of Pipe systems for low-temperature and cleanroom technology and many more.